10 quotes about outdo follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

You don't need to outdo the competition. It's expensive and defensive. Underdo your competition. We need more simplicity and clarity.

Jason Fried

OUTDO, v.t. To make an enemy.

Ambrose Bierce

Every year we have to outdo ourselves and this year is no exception.

Christina Norman

There definitely was a lot of one-upmanship, trying to outdo your colleagues and siblings.

Darren Poupore

He never put on airs. He never tried to outdo anybody. Because of that, his popularity simply grew.

Van Orden

Every year, we have to outdo ourselves, bring thousands of builders through our house, and devote 50 pages of our magazine to it.

Boyce Thompson

Yes, they take credit for it, ... They try to impress one another and outdo one another.

Carole Theriault

I was rooting for him, one, because he's black and two, because he's from Chicago. I don't care if he was playing hockey or ice skating, I wanted him to outdo his competition.

Paul Harrington

I think women get a little crazier when they run in packs. They want to outdo each other.

William Chappell

The hotels are constantly trying to outdo each other.

Scott Russell