12 quotes about onslaught follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The onslaught is more a competitive response to the success Scion has had attracting buyers than it is a response to fuel prices.

Jeff Schuster

Faced with this management onslaught our only choice is self defense. We must defend the concept of the pilot working agreement itself. All legal means will be considered.

Lee Moak

You are always facing a constant onslaught of messages against you.

Chris Murray

We need to celebrate the bravery that we saw in those kids (in California). I'm sure that the medical facility in the San Diego area that received these kids experienced the same thing we did -- an onslaught of injured kids responding in mature, heroic ways.

Tom Hambly

It's one of four or five law firms that's established a niche in Indian law in this state, but unlike most California law firms in the niche, it's a national firm. They are knowledgeable, committed and focused on expanding the authority of Indian tribal governments ? and protecting them from the onslaught by federal, state and local governments.

Howard Dickstein

With Lufkin's offensive power we expected a close game. We were up early and had a 3 to 1 lead at the half. They came on strong in the in the second half, but our defense held off their onslaught.

Hans Kleinschmidt

Dairies are not bad for the environment. Dairies can control the problems and the complaints. We cannot control the environmental onslaught.

Vander Dussen

I don't think that making ourselves invulnerable to feeling any onslaught to our feelings will help us in life, ultimately. I think we only learn and grow by allowing ourselves to be really challenged by those feelings that do overwhelm us occasionally.

Ben Kingsley

A terrorist onslaught, a tough situation. In my assessment, it may get tougher but it gets better.

Barham Salih

The working committee felt that this is not a freak incident. Such things are happening repeatedly. Such onslaught from the coach makes it difficult for the player to concentrate on the game, more so when the cricketer is fighting to make a comeback.

Jagmohan Dalmiya

With the kind of growth we've experienced, we're not sure our servers will be able to handle the onslaught from an e-mail application.

Caterina Fake

Can't address the big fact that the bulk of life is taking place under the pressure of an onslaught of images.

Todd Gitlin