23 quotes about onset follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It felt great to hit the game-winner. We were knocking on the door the entire game. We didn't play well in the first half and (at the onset) of the second half. We felt like we deserved the win.

Liz Eisenberg

But you have to begin taking it with 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. That's usually about when people begin to feel really lousy.

Dr. Matthew Cartter

I don't think it was about overlooking this team; I just think we have some things we've got to continue to get better at. Our mental capacity at the onset of the game, I'm concerned about.

Joyce Walker

It's still a very good idea to eat a diet that's high in fresh fruits and vegetables, both for its direct benefit on heart disease and reducing adult-onset diabetes.

Michael Thun

The cost of preparing for the onset of a hurricane is about $1 million per one mile of coastline.

Mark Moran

From the onset, we've said it's inconsistent ... There is no security there.

Patrick Kennedy

The onset of 2005 bodes well for the housing industry. Long-term mortgage rates are currently below six percent.

Amy Crews Cutts

With Viagra you've got an onset of action of an hour and it lasts for four hours, and here's a new drug that has an onset of 16 minutes and lasts all day, ... Which might appeal for someone who wants to have more flexibility with their sexual experience.

Tony Butler

We have to get them that medicine within three hours of the onset of symptoms, which is the challenge.

Brett Whyte

The virus would hit this mutant cell and cause a second mutation, prompting the onset of cancers like leukemia or brain tumors.

Dr Richard Mcnally

Infections could be a trigger for the onset of the cancer in a limited number of susceptible individuals, those with a genetic predisposition.

Dr Richard Mcnally

In President Reagan's case, it's possible that the disease would have had an earlier onset if he had not had such an active lifestyle.

Robert Friedland

It can show itself later after the kids are older and are walking, and (they) slowly lose that ability. There's also an adult onset form. The earlier it manifests, the worse case it is.

Clint Christopher

They go downhill faster. We think it's because they have delayed the onset so long that a lot of the brain changes have accumulated and when they reach the point of clinical manifestation, they can't compensate any more and they sort of crash.

Dr Nikolaos Scarmeas

By staying mentally active, you can delay the onset of Alzheimer's by a few years. Promoting mental agility can be protective.

Maria Carrillo

It's all about timing. The interchange is going to be open; we can't afford not to be ready when the onset comes.

Sunil Puri

It's really critical that we find ways to prevent, or at least delay the onset of, cognitive decline. Once the pathology is established in the brain, it's very difficult to treat. We need better ways to prevent the disease in the first place, which could make a huge difference for the future.

Neil Buckholtz

There are a few genes that have been implicated in the development of early-onset Alzheimer's disease, but other than APOE, no genes have been found that increase risk for the more common, late-onset form of the disease.

Alison M. Goate

Is there some frustration in that this has lasted now significantly longer than people thought it would at the onset? Yes, that frustration is there.

Joe Schwarz

Habitat said from the onset that they're very hesitant to try to forge forward on a project that is not well received by the neighborhood.

John Lovell

I disclosed (the affiliation) from the onset.

Doug Cole

When an event in the simulation (free-body model) moves the modeled car, we try to impart only the initial portion of acceleration into the sled and differentiate out the movement. We keep the peak or onset motion cues so the driver feels like they are moving.

Rick Moncrief

That would make addiction more inheritable than diseases we commonly think of as genetic, such as adult onset diabetes or common hypertension.

Eric Nestler