9 quotes about oddly follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Oddly enough, we feel more pressure than when he was with us. Now, everyone wants to see what we're capable of doing without him and, more or less unconsciously, the team feels it.

George Hincapie

Oddly enough, the camera wasn't damaged, because the bear did get it off the tree.

Kate Kendall

My thoughts are crowded with death and it draws so oddly on the sexual that I am confused to be attracted by, in effect, my own annihilation.

Thom Gunn

A lot of the older folks at my church liked it better than the crazy hairstyle I had before. So far all of my friends have said it fits. I was worried I was going to have an oddly shaped head.

Richard Matthews

Oddly no. I am a trusting kind of guy, and the guide told us that they would do no harm.

Rob Mullen

Two things came together in oddly separate ways.

Chris Sanders

Apart from these banners, posters and oddly placed billboards also divert the attention of commuters.

Rajiv Saxena

Usually if she didn't see this one employee she would leave ranting and raving. I could see her making gestures and just acting oddly. We never saw her with anybody. She was always alone.

Carlos Montoya

When agents used the back button on the browser [rather than the application's back function], sometimes the application behaved oddly.

John Kellington