9 quotes about nationalist follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I made it clear to him, if he wanted to join the Nationalist Movement, not to hold the April 29 event.

Richard Barrett

I think European integration - and this is a must for me - must not be counteracted by nationalist, protectionist measures.

Klaus Liebscher

Moved by our nationalist sentiments, we decided to call a boycott of all Australian commodities.

Amiruddin Saud

There's a lot of nationalist drama involved in the decision. It's political fuel.

Peter Deshazo

And my father, after all, was a nationalist.

Heinrich Mann

That they are tired of all this nationalist posturing.

Robert Barry

These elections ... will put an end to the era of dictatorship by one party or faction in decision-making in Palestinians political life. They will set the cornerstone for new nationalist institutions based on merit and probity ... and will establish a nation of law.

Abdel Bari Atwan

It is appropriate that, rather than getting involved in silly Nationalist arguments, we are effective at catching drug dealers and getting drugs off our streets.

Jack Mcconnell

Now we have decided to go back to bargain people's demands as we don't want to give the government and ruling Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) a chance to ignore them any more.

Sheikh Hasina