12 quotes about narrowly follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

This is one of the deadliest conflicts in modern history for media professionals. In addition to those killed, many others have been wounded or narrowly averted death.

Joel Campagna

Viewed narrowly, all life is universal hunger and the expression of energy associated with it.

Mary Ritter Beard

This case will tell how broadly or narrowly Lane gets read. This also will tell us something about Roberts' views on federalism, if he is confirmed.

Mark Levy

The original Hazelwood decision in 1988 is regrettable enough. Now the high court has missed an opportunity to keep a bad law narrowly defined.

Mead Loop

The reason I would expect a concurrence from the liberal justices would be to kind of soften the blow for the losers to indicate ... that they themselves interpreted the opinion narrowly.

Robert George

He was killed but luckily it narrowly missed our convoy and no one was hurt in the incident.

General Rahmatullah Raufi

You don't want to just focus so narrowly on housing prices that you think that is going to be determinative of everything you can conceive of.

Gary Stern

The market is less narrowly focused on a small group of stocks, ... We're getting the benefit from the broadening of the market.

Charles Freeman

This inquiry is narrowly focused on Applied Materials' licensing of semiconductor technology and is not a broad-based review of its business practices.

Jeffrey Lettes

It does, on the face of it, anyway, sound like it's confined narrowly to address a particular problem.

Peter Scheer

You can definitely have a more narrowly tailored approach by focusing on individuals who show signs of intoxication or show drops of performance.

Eric Martin

Everyone in New Jersey has either narrowly avoided an accident or been bothered because of potholes.

Erin Phalon