6 quotes about narrower follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

In any case, narrower representation has more power than broader interests.

Stephen Voss

We believe that the fund interest in silver is built upon a much narrower base of investors than gold, leaving it more vulnerable to big price moves in either direction.

Yingxi Yu

It was a hobbyist pursuit that served a much narrower niche.

Dylan Brooks

The biggest difference in the game from then was that the lane was narrower then and we did not run as much, did not do as much fast breaking. We'd be slow and bring it down and go from there.

Don Erickson

These fairways are at least 50 percent narrower that anything you would see in the States.

Padraig Harrington

I tried to make it pretty clear even before (leaving the Treasury Department) that it was not the kind of job I would be interested in. Its portfolio is a lot narrower than where my areas of interest lie.

Wayne Abernathy