8 quotes about mumps follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

On a scale of diseases, mumps is not what we would consider one of the more serious.

Doug Schultz

The vaccine is working. The vaccine certainly was made to cover this particular strain because it's a fairly common strain of mumps.

Patricia Quinlisk

It's also important for people to understand that mumps can sometimes develop into serious complications, including deafness, sterility and even death.

Dr. Mel Kohn

Most kids are vaccinated for mumps but some have declined because it wasn't around and those parents had better hurry to their pediatrician and get the mumps vaccination.

Dr. Michael Pichichero

Keep your distance. If you know someone is infected, go to the doctor and get checked out. A blood test is the only way to confirm whether or not you have the mumps.

Stephanie Marquis

It's nice that it's the mumps. It's a dirty little disease, but it's very rarely fatal. You would like to learn on something that doesn't kill people.

David Lawton

We are now finding that the mumps part of it, even in two doses, is not holding in some children.

Barbara Loe Fisher

It is a suspected case. It is not a confirmed case. We have contacted anyone who has been in close contact with the person who perhaps has mumps, but there's not really a lot you can do to prevent it.

Robin Kaler