11 quotes about mounted follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It would be mounted on the same post, so it would say Speed Limit: 35, Your Speed: 75, or something like that, ... Hopefully less.

Patrick Moore

We need art that is painted or mounted on a sturdy material such as a foam core board or mat board so that these artworks can easily be displayed.

Nancy Massey

The most important scientific effort that humankind has ever mounted.

Craig Venter

Frank dominated from the start. He then took him to the ground, top-mounted him, and let out a flurry of punches.

Cuki Alvarez

It only takes five to 15 minutes for the system to be mounted.

John Joseph

Refugees attempting to build the blockhouse on the remains of the fort never mounted ... cannons although they may have had at least one with them.

Todd W. Braisted

We really enjoy finding wonderful objects that can be mounted as lamps.

Bob Winston

An operation was then mounted to rescue them from a house in Basra.

John Lorimer

Concern has mounted progressively and events in recent weeks justify that concern.

Dr Margaret Chan

Every event that a man would master must be mounted on the run, and no man ever caught the reins of a thought except as it galloped past him.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

In this plant, we are able to drive the chassis into place so that a bus body can be mounted in place. That meant we couldn't have conveyor because you'd have to drive over top of it.

Anthony Goff