14 quotes about modifications follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We'll make a few modifications to make the routine harder.

Amelia Bartels

It allows your car to run on straight vegetable oil just the same way you would on diesel, with very minimal modifications.

Brian Friedman

The thing I'd hope all state employees keep in mind is that health care costs are going up dramatically. It's these kinds of modifications and changes to the plan that allow us to hold down the costs to the membership.

Tim Burgess

We will continue to monitor the marketplace and make appropriate modifications to our benefits programs that maintain our competitiveness.

Paul Thomas

As we began doing the work, the modifications became more and more complicated and elaborate.

Mark Cummiskey

They propose to make the same modifications to the south tower that they did to the north tower, which we approved at our meeting on February 9.

Darrell Boeske

We're really concerned about it. We think it could ultimately cut our mine life short and make it impossible for us to make any modifications to our permit.

Mark Isto

They're not investigations yet, but we're continuing to pursue leads where there's a store front involving these modifications.

Thomas Loeser

They're aware their structure does not meet our structure code in many areas. We've already talked about some modifications they can do.

John Groff

After using your new phone system for a bit, you'll find there are modifications you want to make.

Randy Kremlacek

The European Commission must either reject the funding for such projects or demand major modifications.

Magda Stoczkiewicz

With the modifications that we have made -- including four separate barriers to keep ash and water inside -- this kind of leak cannot happen again.

Dennis Murphy

To keep our customers, we are being forced to move into a bulk system, which requires modifications and equipment updating.

Bill Jensen

Dietary modifications that result in reduced ammonia emissions should be considered best management practices. Those practices include adequately balancing diets, feeding highly digestible feedstuffs and preserving feeds adequately.

Alvaro Garcia