7 quotes about mobilizing follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

If we are evacuating the whole area, we wouldn't be responsible for mobilizing every individual in the city.

Rick Ferreira

But there's a lot of eyes out there now, with the (Army) Corps of Engineers and all the contractors, so I suspect if something happened again, we'd know pretty soon, ... Then we'd get busy mobilizing our people.

Jose Gonzalez

The Sensenbrenner bill has proven to be one of the great mobilizing forces for the pro (immigration) reform alliance in this country.

Frank Sharry

He's mobilizing hope, and hope is associated with better health outcomes. You have to be hopeful to pursue your dreams.

Gene Cohen

If one candidate or the other is better at mobilizing their people, that will really give them an advantage.

Herb Weisberg

We are mobilizing our congregation.

Howard Meyer

We've got an increased ability to fight the drugs, and they've got an increased ability to grow the drug. So both forces are mobilizing.

Tom Schweich