5 quotes about miniscule follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

There are about 300 million computers on the Internet (but) the number of NT installations on desktops is relatively miniscule.

David Perry

We don't think there is a miniscule chance that this would be overturned.

Charles Lee

It reminds me of the days of the Internet bubble. Who buys a company for US$2.6 billion anymore that has a miniscule revenue stream?

Maribel Lopez

This kind of puts us in better standing in the league, so it helps us out a lot. People might look at the game and see a miniscule win, but every win is big heading down the stretch.

Rulon Washington

The good news is that concert consumer spending is miniscule compared to total entertainment spending, so there's a lot of room to grow.

Michael Rapino