7 quotes about minimums follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

My concern is that they're (airlines) going to try and chip away at the minimums we have right now for the good of the consumer and productivity enhancements.

Duane Woerth

Pay off cards with low balances. This will create some breathing room in the budget that may be needed to keep up with the higher minimums on your other credit cards.

Greg Mcbride

Research shows mandatory minimums don't serve as a deterrent and actually have the opposite effect.

Irwin Cotler

We're standardizing our fund minimums.

John Demming

Our members believe that live music is essential, and minimums are appropriate and necessary.

Patrick Quinn

We find ourselves in situations where we are imposing minimums. Yes, I admit it, it's minimums. Can staff on its own impose a higher standard? No, we cannot do that.

Paula Harvey

Consumers are using them for fast food, for a lot of small purchases, what is happening is about 30 percent of consumers can only pay the minimums.

Susan Kelly