12 quotes about medically follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Medically, he couldn't take care of them, Well, I'm not Donald Trump.

Patricia Schmidt

No government has an option but to have medically acceptable benchmarks, at least in those priority areas.

Ujjal Dosanjh

It's incredibly expensive if you're overseas somewhere and you become ill or have an accident and you want to be medically evacuated, ... That can cost in the range of $100,000 if you or your family were to pay for that.

Phyllis Kozarsky

With this innovation, I can tell any patient who has a live donor and is medically eligible that they can be transplanted with a high likelihood of success.

Robert Montgomery

It's going to tell us important things about who we are and what we are -- medically, socially, and so forth. It's a pretty stunning achievement.

Robert Waterston

These aren't casual requests for home remodeling. These are medically necessary requests to ensure her safety, her independence and her well-being.

Sarah Price

He's medically in stable condition, but he faces a long, long recovery.

Dick Jefferson

Our response is until he is cleared medically, any type of conjecture is premature.

Duane Lewis

She was cleared medically and told she had a complete recovery from the prior injuries. Based on my assessment, I would have to say it's an acute new injury.

Jim Moeller

I don't think there's any question in ethical thinking that if treatment is medically futile, you don't continue it. But what is 'medically futile?' Often there's no clear line.

Barry Tepperman

We'll keep him medically sedated as long as possible.

Dr. Richard Shannon

We do help by putting money aside as a medically needy fund for children who are not insured.

Cathleen Blair