13 quotes about martial follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

For me, the martial arts is a search for something inside. It's not just a physical discipline.

Brandon Lee

When I first met her, ... she asked, 'Jet, can you teach me some martial and kung fu stuff. I want to fight in the movie.

Jet Li

You cannot declare martial law without the support of Congress. It will be crazy for the President to declare martial law when we know that Congress does not approve of it, what with the present climate in the Senate.

Raul Gonzalez

You're probably going to see martial law before too long.

Vincent Creel

It's my understanding, ... that there has been rampant looting. In fact, martial law declared in other areas. Have you seen looting?

Nancy Grace

A lot of people don't consider [mixed martial arts] a real sport. But it's here; it's real.

Patrick Freitas

But he lay like a warrior taking his rest, with his martial cloak around him.

Charles Wolfe

The translation of this is martial law in the United States.

Irwin Redlener

Already the days are gone when Chinese characters would lurk in the background, the women merely looking beautiful and the men harboring mystical martial arts powers.

Arthur Jones

I'd really like to get to do some fighting, some martial arts training, because I think that would be really fun... I do gymnastics and ballet, and I'm very, very into the physically acrobatic end of sport.

Anna Paquin

The Caine Mutiny Court Martial.

Herman Wouk

If martial law did not prevent people from asserting their rights, how much more this. People will always create ways to circumvent this kind of intolerance ... This will be challenged on all fronts.

Renato Reyes

I've said more than once that this will be my last martial arts film.

Jet Li