5 quotes about maneuvers follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's not the first time they have maneuvers and we don't believe that they are a threat in and of themselves.

Prince Saud

Local kids come in and out all day. They hang out, exchange stories, check out our equipment and try maneuvers outside.

Rich Petersen

The importance of the ... maneuvers lies in the time and geographical place they are happening as well as the arms used.

General Yahya Rahim Safavi

I'm very surprised and disappointed by these maneuvers.

Dumarsais Simeus

They may subpoena her to see what kind of maneuvers her attorney does -- either to quash the subpoena, indicate that she's going to take the Fifth against self-incrimination. Or, she may attempt to make a deal.

Michael Deriso