11 quotes about lowers follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Resentment is weak and lowers your self-esteem.

Barbara Sher

It lowers triglycerides and elevates the good cholesterol, which is the HDL cholesterol.

Caroline Apovian

Competition promotes consumer choice, lowers prices and encourages innovation. This change will help government agencies choose from the best products at the fairest prices for American taxpayers.

Sue Snyder

The bottom line is that automation lowers the risk of human error and adds some intelligence to the enterprise system.

Stephen Elliot

It's more expensive than a signal, but again, I think it's safer. It lowers speeds and it's more efficient.

Fred Droes

It was good already, and IBM keep chipping away at making it easier to use - so that lowers management costs.

Joe Clabby

American energy independence is an economic issue, an environmental issue and a national security issue. It lowers gas prices, creates American jobs, helps save our environment and lessens our dependence on foreign oil.

Andy Warren

We want to make sure the work force is fit and healthy, and that lowers health care costs overall.

Joan Kelly

Nothing lowers the level of conversation more than raising the voice.

Stanley Horowitz

A trade deficit like this is unacceptable, ... It lowers our GDP growth.

Peter Morici

We buy the components and do the assembly ourselves, which lowers costs. AMD fit in well within that way of operating.

Robert Miggins