7 quotes about louise follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Coming into this week was pretty hard because Lake Louise was not so good for me. I just had so much bad luck.

Anja Paerson

Louise is going gangbusters and her recovery is getting better and better from day to day.

Peter Fricker

I'm taking my rats. Those are my friends for the tour. Thelma and Louise. They're so cute.

Alon Pinkas

This is Thelma and Louise . And they are driving the car over the cliff. We are about to kill the business.

Jim Lites

This is Thelma and Louise .

Jim Lites

She didn't drink or smoke. Even when all of us are going 90, not Louise. She stuck to the speed limit. I liked that about her.

Autraulia Harris

That's the thing to know about Louise Bourgeois, more than anything else, is her own immediate reality and her own emotional landscape that is always the subject of her work.

Eik Kahng