9 quotes about liken follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It can be easy to be not ready to go. We liken it to a game. You have to be up for every game.

Jim Kramer

In general, I guess I'd liken it to a bees' or a hornets' nest.

Pat White

I liken myself to Henry Ford and the auto industry, I give you 90 percent of what most people need.

Adam Osborne

That was a great win for Max. I liken him to the Energizer bunny because he just keeps going and going after his opponents.

Lee Spitzer

I always liken it to a kitchen party.

Kathy Mcaree

I liken him a little bit to DJ. They go after things the same way.

Sonny Sixkiller

They are getting a little help, but nothing near the amount of help that would make a difference. I liken it to having a dose of penicillin for one person and distributing it to 10 people. No one gets cured.

Jeff Rubin

I liken her to this era's version of Billie Jean King.

Donna Lopiano

Every new dollar coming in is already spent and then some. I liken it to a guy who gets a raise and then gets home to see the bills just keep piling up.

Scott Pattison