17 quotes about licensed follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I can't guarantee aren't going to see some lawsuits because you probably are. Why not do it in a licensed model? If usage happens, value follows.

Brian Roberts

A licensed plumber would have found that, and my children would not have been endangered.

John Miller

We'll introduce basic high-quality action figures as well as a few innovative, high-tech and licensed toys.

Roger Shiffman

A tiny and closed fraternity of privileged men, elected by no one, and enjoying a monopoly sanctioned and licensed by government.

Spiro T. Agnew

We have not seen a new phenomenon hit the licensed apparel market like this before.

Neil Schwartz

We're permitted and licensed for my lamp repair and Tillie's art. It's kind of a two-for-one deal.

Bob Sowders

We bought products off a man who was licensed to sell them. They're telling me that there were certain products he wasn't able to sell. I only bought products that were advertised for sale to everybody.

Robert S. McNamara

The model has changed from the days of the old All-America Bowl in Birmingham. We understand the challenges there, but there are challenges in every place. We're confident, if we get licensed, that we can put on a successful event there.

Pete Derzis

We want to warn boaters that they are not licensed in the state of Oregon to do business in the state of Oregon.

John Piper

We have essential GSM patents for which Nokia is not licensed, and we are disappointed that this has resulted in litigation.

Louis Lupin

We're designing for North America, but we have some strategic interest outside. If it's deployed internationally, it will have to be in licensed bands. A lot of developing countries would be easier for 'greenfield' development.

Chris Whiteley

We're continuing to add retailers, ... We're on pace where about 10 retailers per week are being licensed.

Gary Peters

We want to get rid of the (licensed) vendors that buy the spot only for Halloween weekend.

Carol Patterson

For the most part, it is street-licensed cars. It is not the Indianapolis 500.

Michael Kaplan

A player that's licensed under the interim agreement will not be able to do managed copy.

Richard Doherty

The radio stations have licensed the use of the airwaves, so there's an obligation for them to be honest brokers.

Timothy Karr

These are all fully-licensed and fully registered brokers.

Susan Thomson