5 quotes about libyan follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

When the civilized world demonstrated its determination, the Libyan government correctly judged its own interests, and the American people are safer.

Frances Townsend

In round numbers, the destruction of the Libyan chemical weapons capabilities is going to be $100m.

James Tegnelia

I'm happier than I thought I would be. Both [the accused being convicted] would have been better, but the important thing is that the Libyan government has been indicted in this thing.

Daniel Cohen

He was a fairly high-ranking officer in the Libyan Intelligence Agency and his activities appeared to have, and can be reasoned to have, government involvement.

Lee Kreindler

The Libyan president is ready to come to Indonesia and I have been asked to orally extend the arrangement of time.

Alwi Shihab