12 quotes about leash follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We've used some money to get a dog carrier for Beans and also a leash and collar with the Marine Corps eagle, globe and anchor emblem on them.

Jenny Potter

They gave her a leash and a trained animal, ... and she ran with it.

Claire Gilbert

All of a sudden, they ran up to me and tore the leash from my hand and started tearing her up.

Jamal Williams

It's basically a leash for a dog or like a bridle for a horse. You can control the elephant just from its head.

Mike Hayward

Turn off the TV, put the dog a leash and walk around the block or go to the track at school, These children are the bread and butter for the future of this country.

Linda Fleming

This year everybody is on a pretty tight leash.

Bob Parsons

We also make sure the leashes come off before they enter. Letting the dog run in on a leash can create chaos.

Holly Swoape

It pretty much becomes an off-leash day every day. That's what's happening now again.

Carol Majeske

We live on the leash of our senses.

Diane Ackerman

The guy who has kept them on the leash is going to disappear.

Larry Lindsey

Put a leash around his belly or around his neck.

Vania Velotta

The day he walked through the lobby with a live leopard on a leash is the day I threw him out.

Eddi Parker