11 quotes about leaked follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

That inevitably can be leaked. It's completely irresponsible, and someone's going to have to answer for it.

Bill Stapleton

I unequivocally believe this was leaked.

Gerard Cassidy

Jim Hunt had a bucket over there to catch it. Well, Mike didn't know to catch it - so it filled up and spilled over and leaked.

David Hoyle

The photos of the Ferrari 599 GTB leaked out during the Detroit Auto Show. It has a lot of sex appeal.

Joe De Matio

You're entitled to your privacy and it's an absolute disgrace that whoever's leaked these names out disrespects us so much that they're willing to do that.

Jared Crouch

It would have been miserable for them, ... It was wet, the roof leaked, they couldn't keep their clothes dry.

William Wagner

We don't know exactly how much has been leaked, but so far 1395 barrels of liquids have been collected, most of crude that it is mixed with snow.

Linda Giguere

The deal clearly leaked. When the market closed on Friday, everybody knew this company was gone on Monday.

Marni Pont O'doherty

It has that air, ... It would be surprising if it was Jean Chretien that leaked that part of the report. Who has an interest in doing that?

Gilles Duceppe

Were leaked to the press.

Fred Eckhart

The arbitrators wanted us to keep it confidential, but the news leaked.

E. Randol Schoenberg