5 quotes about laurens follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's a tradition of excellence at Laurens.

Chris Calhoun

Lauren's job is to go after every ball and put herself in a position to make passes. She has to have the mentality that every ball is hers. She is getting better at that and is a lot more focused now.

Dave Rohrer

Liverpool has 1,000 per graduating class. Laurens has 25. (The color guard brings) recognition to the school that they wouldn't get otherwise.

Chris Calhoun

YKK is a great member of our industrial community. We cannot adequately express our appreciation and excitement for these 200 new positions at the Dublin plant. This is not only great for YKK, but for the future of Laurens County and the state of Georgia.

James Malone

I just barely can remember Lauren's shot. I barely remember the entire game.

Ed Feller