15 quotes about lafayette follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Lafayette and the whole area are really booming.

John Myers

We were dispatched to the area of Lake Charles and Abbeville-Lafayette as a casket-recovery strike team.

Lynn Yeates

There are a lot of responsible dog owners out here, and we appreciate Lafayette doing this for us.

Margaret Wilson

The governor plans to travel to Lafayette on Monday for an economic-development related announcement.

Jane Jankowski

We are working with the Lafayette Detective Division because both girls were found in Lafayette Parish.

Laura Balthazar

Over time, it's evolved into something we can give back to the people of Lafayette - it's like a gift back to the people of Lafayette.

Dana Cañedo

We've got to get over the Bloomington-West Lafayette hang-ups.

Jack Gill

It is really a kindergarten readiness experience. Any child in Lafayette Parish is eligible to attend.

Ouida Forsyth

Lafayette came out tough and strong. We weren't ready for a tough and strong team. They came out strong and we weren't ready.

Gwen Rucker

Following Katrina, we went over to Lafayette to help. They were keeping animals at Blackham Coliseum. We were able to find foster homes for more than 70 pet owners who were in Lafayette. All of those animals eventually went back to their original owners.

Dana Frye

West Lafayette has been recognized as having the lowest city property tax and recognized for helping the Indiana community grow.

Jan Mills

What he needs to do is stop hanging out with that crowd of friends and leave Lafayette, and he knows that.

Keith Pope

We ended last year with Lafayette, and we hope to get there again. We are capable of beating anyone we play. It's about coming out there to win and doing it.

Alana Towns

Tomorrow, they will do a big send off when they leave for Lafayette.

Jeannie Freeman

If Lafayette Parish wants to attract new businesses and have jobs, it needs to address the facility needs.

Karlin Artigue