7 quotes about lackluster follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Away from autos, the economy is growing at a steady, lackluster pace. It's just kind of slow and steady and not very exciting.

Chris Wiegand

Earnings season didn't provide the kind of catalyst investors were looking for. Guidance going forward was very lackluster.

Ryan Larson

Fundamentals will continue to be lackluster this year. The ad environment will get more challenging.

Kit Spring

Any antidepressant drug ends up being a $2 billion drug at least, but we've seen the depression market really slow down. It's a big, [but] lackluster market.

Jon Lecroy

Most of Virginia did well until August. Then, the hurricane, a wet fall and lackluster foliage, and visitation dropped.

John Shaffer

He's always been a great on-ball defender. Sometimes he's a little lackluster off the ball. We're just looking for completeness from him. He's a good player and he works hard at it.

Dean Vander Plas

We've had a good run-up, so it's fine to pull back a little. The important thing is that the market is ignoring bad or lackluster news. You don't see that when something tops, just at bottoms.

Jon Burnham