11 quotes about isolate follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We call on the Israeli government to stop these measures which are only intended to isolate the Palestinian Authority.

Mahmud Abbas

It's very difficult to isolate exactly the hours spent on the investigation.

Jim Shires

From a human and a Catholic perspective, I don't think it is a good idea for human beings to isolate themselves from diversity and differences.

Frances Kissling

In the second half [Wayne Hills] was able to isolate the flanks and had some one-on-one and one-on-two opportunities.

Ron Bivona

It's very important to isolate their most creative players. We'll have to give 120 percent but I can assure you that's what we'll do.

Victor Esparrago

The more shrill and hysterical they get, the more they isolate themselves.

Sean Rushton

That can isolate the air-conditioning from the high-voltage and low-voltage wiring underneath the floor of a computer room.

William Collier

I don't think we can isolate ourselves and say we are going to do it all by ourselves.

John Gentry

They demonstrate that you can isolate the equivalent embryonic stem cells by alternative methods that may not raise the ethical questions.

Dr George Daley

She hit some big shots for us coming down the stretch. We tried to isolate her at the top, give her a chance to go one-on-one.

Jody Grant

It's important to isolate it as soon as possible, and that's what we did.

Doug Hock