9 quotes about inflows follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

However, it has been a strange season, and inflows to the reservoir have not dropped off as much as we'd like to see in the fall.

Kara Lamb

So far in 2005, inflows to international equity funds have matched those of U.S. equity funds.

Avi Nachmany

Volatility has certainly reduced despite a widening current account deficit, but capital inflows have been strong and this has helped.

Adenaan Hardien

If this comes to bear, the current 200 basis points advantage for U.S. cash will be preserved through July and ensure the U.S. enjoys sufficient foreign capital inflows.

Benjamin Pedley

Domestic equity inflows are picking up modestly.

Carl Wittnebert

The long-awaited New Zealand dollar decline is coming. The huge investor inflows over 2005 will see to that.

Anthony Byett

As the European Central Bank is turning more hawkish on its rate outlook, capital inflows into euro-denominated assets are expected to grow stronger.

Ryohei Muramatsu

The government will encourage capital outflows in an attempt to have a general balance between capital inflows and outflows.

Zou Lin

We need to maintain a general balance of capital outflows and inflows.

Zou Lin