7 quotes about inadvertently follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Either purposely or inadvertently, they were abusing the system.

Libby Turner

We all consider it a very important issue. And one of the primary things that will have to be dealt with is whether companies can inadvertently add new genetic components to foods they produce.

Rebecca Goldburg

Have I inadvertently said some evil thing?


This shows muscle contains infected material. Anybody who may be handling or eating infected deer may be inadvertently exposed.

Glenn Telling

The employee did that inadvertently and won't repeat that activity.

Dennis Fernandez

In most cases, it's the parents who inadvertently have forgotten to drop the baby at the babysitter or the daycare.

Janette Fennell

The vendor inadvertently didn't stuff all the envelopes. They have made good on the mistake.

Mike Jackson