9 quotes about horizons follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The New Horizons mission is going somewhere no mission has gone before. This is the frontier of planetary science.

Hal Weaver

I have known him for 65 years. It has been a very rewarding experience because he has expanded my horizons.

Janice Biggers

It's going to be challenging for New Horizons to fly through Pluto's system and image all these moons.

Max Mutchler

These new horizons in radio broadcasting should correspond to new horizons in serving the public interest.

Jonathan Adelstein

We decided to go with New Horizons because it's designed to give seniors the opportunity to perform music.

Jean Butler

He's our first small dog. He's broadened my horizons, and I just want to broaden his. It's been an amazing journey with him.

Laurie Aldrich

I am grateful that my horizons were not narrowed at the outset.

Jessye Norman

It's fun to expand horizons beyond the scope that Nashville had. There's more to it than formula.

Lou Robin

We want to broaden our horizons as an organization.

Lyn Nelson