20 quotes about hazardous follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Hazardous materials or toxic materials are a real threat.

Patrick Libbey

We've had a number of cars that have gone off the road into the ditch. It's made travel very, very hazardous.

Greg Wilkinson

These are extremely hazardous conditions. This is as bad as it gets.

Karl Tallman

... Because they contain hazardous metal. There's lead in the batteries, mercury in fluorescent tubes...

Bill Worrel

It's very hazardous driving, even in the daytime.

Robert Ramirez

It can be hazardous going out on a test drive, even if you do get a driver's license.

Charlie Gill

It's a water cleanup effort. It's not a hazardous cleanup.

Harry Orf

During a hazardous materials incident you may not want to go to the basement. You may want to upstairs.

Bary Lusby

They don't need to be in hazardous conditions when they already just came out of that.

Connie Jackson

Where duty is plain, delay is both foolish and hazardous; where it is not, delay may provide both wisdom and safety.

Tryon Edwards

We don't know what it is, but it's not anything hazardous.

Rene Salinas

It's an extremely potentially hazardous product.

Claudia Coles

We do use them for hazardous materials incidents.

Bary Lusby

Run into, like you said, hazardous chemicals, or anything like that, you know when you come on the job like that.

William Fannin

My guess is we'll run some chain saws while we're down there, ... That can always get hazardous.

Milton Carney

We don't handle hazardous waste, and now, with these items designated as such, we are prohibited from handling them.

David Tucker

It created really hazardous driving conditions.

Mark Deutschendorf

It rules out anything hazardous.

Rene Salinas

On a day-to-day basis, I am appalled at the hazardous materials that just pass by us on the railroad.

Jeff Leitner

Fortunately right now, McAllen has no hazardous materials passing through.

Michael Hernandez