Perk Valley, to me -- and Pottstown -- are probably the two most athletic groups. I like what they did.

Mike Wheeler

We know there are not big groups of wolves here. We would have detected that. But we do know we have some independent animals.

Brian Mastenbrook

We analyzed information gathered from focus groups. From the feedback we received, the groups did not interpret the ads as vulgar.

Mark Cicero

It would be very effective if the pub industry joined the other groups in campaigning for a total ban.

John Grogan

The reason these places could afford the big groups was three paces out the back door; that's where all the gambling was.

Jerry Ford

We've found no indication that we treat customers differently from one community to the next, or treat groups of customers differently.

Debra Decourcy

Those efforts fell apart to the point where it has been difficult for the two groups to work together.

Bruce Hyde

You will get a lot of groups, a lot of individuals from out of state chiming in on this.

David Prentice

Meeting with extremist anti-government groups and inoculating them against anthrax.

Mark Potok

My agenda has always been to bridge the gap between the two groups.

Keith Beauchamp

It's amazing that we've had so many people and school groups.

Don Bringle

No decision has been made to date. The commissioner and I continue to meet with representatives of the groups and there will be an official announcement when the decision is made.

Bob Dupuy

From what I gather, they were split about equally. There was not a true consensus, but there was a much better understanding among both groups.

Greg Power

I think the more groups that put aside their differences and work together, the more good student groups on campus can do.

Kevin Breslin

We're continuing to look for groups that would be impressed that we have the largest green building in the world.

Joe Mcgrath

Many of the British groups marched (into battle) with pipes.

Bill Munro

The Red Cross, as did a lot of other groups, worked very, very hard.

Fran Theos

Students shouldn't travel alone, especially at night. Stay in groups.

Steve Tullis

[Northwest] may be able to handle a strike by one group, but there's no way it can handle a strike by two groups at the same time.

Bob Krabbe

People need to make decisions for themselves, for their families, for the groups they're associated with.

Douglas Duncan

I think that the groups do get things done around here.

Kevin Breslin

This group's strength was the ability to improve. They continuously learned and got better.

Alicia Townsend

There are more opportunities for smaller groups in the local clubs.

Greg Frederick

I wouldn't have expected it to be quite as comprehensive and uniform across all groups.

Alta Charo

We clearly don't have the money they have, and all the gay rights groups are pitching in.

Kelly Shackelford

These are the hardest groups to screen.

Etta Pisano

It's not a magic bullet, but this does find more of the cancers that kill women in these groups.

Etta Pisano

STAND has been one of the most active groups on campus.

Eric Bloom

These bids are the expression of future growth for Germany companies. German groups are thinking about their future and about expanding.

Emmanuel Soupre

Those are just some examples but there are a lot of them. I believe that we appeal to many different age groups, young and old.

Emily Wright

Religious political groups and their congressional allies overreached.

Elizabeth Birch

The groups, though, were my inspiration way back then. I liked Frankie Lyman and the Teenagers.

Eddie Floyd

Delineations are becoming particularly difficult as the groups increasingly work together.

Zachary Abuza