8 quotes about grotesque follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I have to be careful to get out before I become the grotesque caricature of a hatchet-faced woman with big knockers..

Jamie Lee Curtis

People do senseless things, and this is probably one of the more grotesque things that you'll see done to an animal, especially a bald eagle.

Steve Stapleton

It was very uncomfortable knowing that our children were exposed to something so grotesque. I am very pleased that investigators got him.

Ana Bolanos

Ferrer can't even get heard competing against this grotesque spending.

Gene Russianoff

Clever, but not grotesque.

Chris Adams

He cut up Morris, puts him in the bags and threw him in the bay. That's what happened ... Does it change the fact that it was in self-defense? No. Is it bizarre and grotesque? Yes, but we're going to explain it to you.

Michael Ramsey

From the media's perspective, extremes are news, ... completely distorted by the emphasis on what I would call the grotesque or extreme cases.

Stephen Gillers

George the Third / Ought never to have occurred. / One can only wonder / At so grotesque a blunder.

Eric Bentley