9 quotes about goofing follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

If the Chinese goof around and hold on to them, there could be a real firestorm tomorrow. But both sides will try to play it down.

Bates Gill

There is not a lot of goofing around at practices and they all want to improve their tennis game.

Bill Stanley

I'm not an artist. I'm an actor. I like to goof around and clown for people. It's a fun job. But I don't feel that I'm creating something that's going to have a profound effect on the world. It's fun.

Greg Pitts

We don't advocate goofing off. The public should be served. But if there's no work, it's not his fault.

Martin Druyan

I had a great time with dance. It kept me on track. I didn't have time to goof around.

Audra Paquette

If the guys are goofing off, Danny is one of the guys to get them straightened back up.

Jeff Myers

I think most people know it's a goof.

Adam Yauch

Basically, what you have are four kids that were goofing around.

Angelo Bitsis

Kids are at my level. I like goofing around with them.

John Goodman