10 quotes about goliath follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It doesn't feel like we're Goliath, it feels like we're David in this matter.

Jack Roberts

Everybody pulls for David, nobody roots for Goliath.

Wilt Chamberlain

Everybody wants to see David beat Goliath.

Chuck Esposito

Everyone loves the David and Goliath story, but if Goliath had slain David, it'd never have made the Bible.

Day One

The merger creates a Goliath. What they have done is created the best of the best.

David Saks

We're in a David and Goliath type struggle, and we're David, ... And David won, as we all know.

Scott Moore

I'm still a working-class guy who has to have a job. But we didn't do so bad for David going up against Goliath.

Larry Rodriguez

It's the modern-day David and Goliath.

Robert Vaughn

Now we get our shot as David against Goliath. We'll come to play.

Harry Bowser

All we've been hearing all week was David and Goliath. Who always won? It was David, right. David beat him and that's what we did today.

Erik Hanson