35 quotes about freaking follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat.

George Carlin

It was a freak thing. It was frightening.

Brian Reece

I was like freaking out.

Anthony Furlong

A freak in my neighborhood. My father wasn't interested in sports.

Harry Lapow

It's a freak, isn't it.

Gretchen Jackson

We got rid of the clutter and packed things away. It helped that I'm already sort of a neat freak.

Debbie Bretches

I was a gadget freak, which I still am, and it was a new gadget.

Chris Russo

That was a freak year, though.

Jim Edson

He's a freak, ... totally off the charts.

Doug Wilson

I just think it was just a freak thing. He fell on it and it just ruptured.

Rick Burkholder

We have moose around town as well as bear, elk and mountain lions, but we don't have moose attacks. It was a freak thing.

Gene Stover

It was the way I fell. It was a freak accident I guess.

Andrew Fritz

I don't judge others. I say if you feel good with what you're doing, let your freak flag fly.

Sarah Jessica Parker

It was a freak thing with the sun there on the last play. There's nothing you can do about that.

Jake Westbrook

It was one of those freak things that happened.

John Draper

And it's kind of freaking me out.

Jim Jarmusch

This falls under the category of a minor and freak accident.

Victor Gill

I started freaking out before it went in. If it hadn't gone in, I would have been a little bit embarrassed.

Kelly Reilly

I think it was an unfortunate freak accident. Every day there's people around the batting cage.

Jody O'neal

It was a freak accident. It's terribly unfortunate.

Dan Jurdy

He is a genuine freak, he has broken many a horse's heart.

Douglas Whyte

He's a freak of nature.

Andy Macdonald

I said, 'They gave me a transplant. Now people think I'm a circus freak.

Denis Chatelier

This was just one of those freak accidents.

Mary Lewis

It's very, very disappointing. The kid worked his tail off. It's just a freak thing.

Brian Bowers

They're not freaking out, though, and I'm impressed with how neighbor is helping neighbor. I see resilience and determination.

Alan Manevitz

Most of them don't understand what's going on. To them, it's just freak accidents is what it is.

Richard Rose

It was a freak accident. What happened was I was making a block downfield and one of my teammates fell across my leg. It went backward a little too far and my bone broke.

Nick Arment

It's a horrible freak accident. Apparently, a lightning bolt struck the mine.

Wilbur Ross

We just came one short on this freaking open bump.

Mirek Porosa

If I'm by myself I'll start freaking out. As long as I'm with the guys I'll be fine.

Matt Hutchison

Affections that here in America would freak people out.

Bill Saunders

I don't think there is anything to be freaking out about. The markets will come back and they will move upward again.

Gail Bronson

A special election would be nothing but a freak show and a circus act.

Eric Thode

I thought it was a freak accident. I kind of felt they wouldn't let us go out if it wasn't safe. It's a Fortune 500 company. I kind of feel betrayed.

Eddie Sanchez