10 quotes about fraudulent follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

No indication of fraudulent behavior, corruption or personal enrichment on the part of the commission.

Jacques Santer

If people were rubbing off date codes, that's fraudulent. It's misleading. It's deceptive. If my client said it was happening, it's not defamation.

Barry Richard

When you buy a car you make sure it is not stolen or fraudulent. You should do the same for your diamonds.

Gabriel Dupree

We focus our enforcement actions on operations that are behaving in the most fraudulent and deceptive fashion.

Cindy Ehnes

Everything about this man that we learn shows him to be fraudulent.

David Virtue

This finding shows that consumers can do a lot to make sure they cut down the risk associated with this fraudulent activity.

Pamela King

We believe the money can be used for retention. And we believe to hide that from an arbitrator could be fraudulent.

Dave Hilton

We are paying very close attention to those who are involved in activities that promote either fraudulent elections or promote violence.

David Kramer

They're a wide-open invitation to fraudulent access of your accounts.

Howard Strong

305 days worth of drugs in 25 fraudulent transactions during the 69 days he was loose in California.

Kevin Maloney