7 quotes about endowment follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We are a nonprofit, and we exist based on donations and our endowment and, of course, our fees.

Linda Thieman

To keep up with the number of children, a sizeable endowment is needed.

Kevin Lauritsen

In order for Clemson University to become a Top 20 university, we need to increase our endowment.

Brian O'rourke

When you compare our endowment to the benchmarks set by the Council on Postsecondary Education, we are low.

Susan Krauss

And approximately 15 million of the funds comes from deferred gifts-estate gifts, etc. most of which will go to the endowment.

Pat Taylor

That's why Natalie and I wanted to do this endowment. Because we would not be the people we are without them.

Andrea Hall

Our only hope is that it [the endowment fund] will help Canadians who need it to achieve their dreams.

Ralph Klein