Eight wins probably gets you in; seven could possibly get you.

Joe Brady

We'll probably be an underdog for the first eight games.

Brian Kelly

Justin will definitely not be batting at number eight against the Titans!.

Gordon Parsons

We have two to three critical days ahead of us. Doctors have set a period of five to eight days to see an improvement.

Joel Menard

We might be behind the eight ball on this.

Chris Marsh

They're not going to be able to keep eight in the box if Ben is in there, so it's something we're looking forward to.

Max Starks

You can only get that blend here. We went through seven or eight roasts before we got it right.

Tony Gettner

We're screwed for food for eight days.

Cary Wolovick

To win eight races in a row you have to be a horse that doesn't make mistakes and he doesn't make any.

Bobby Frankel

It is difficult to say, but Wesley could be out for six to eight weeks.

Ronnie Mcfall

Of the eight city budgets I've worked on, this has by far been the best.

Laura Miller

We did not bail out at six, eight, 10 months. We finished the year. We accomplished what we set out to do.

Len Critcher

I attribute this to working hard and staying with it for all those eight years.

Rick Brunson

With Bluetooth, anyone can setup an eight-computer, ad hoc, peer-to-peer network.

Warren Allen

We've got probably 11 forwards who can play NRL, and we're only going to pick eight.

Bruno Cullen

We took advantage of their mistakes and got six of our eight hits in the big inning.

Dave Mills

We must have given them eight points on second chance shots.

Jerry Mortimer

We've been propagating babies for about eight years. We probably have about 100 seedlings from the old tree.

Vincent Simeone

That's what they do. They'll make eight-point runs on you. That's why they're No. 1 in (the) section.

Ray Preston

We've had clients looking for houses for up to eight years.

Mike Deasy

I'm not easy, but eight times times out of ten I'll give a guy my mobile number.


She brought it. She knew we had to have that kind of leadership, and she led us into the Elite Eight.

Brenda Frese

There is no reason why the same man should like the same books at eighteen and forty-eight.

Ezra Pound

You ride (eight seconds) or die in this sport.

Joseph Allen

I've been coming here seven or eight years. It's more cost effective for me.

Jim Byrnes

You got a $15 million project there, and you got a dollar ninety-eight to pay for it.

Tom Moe

I have been coming to this library and using this great Chinese collection for eight years.

Sharon Chang

We went through eight classes. I haven't bought bacon or sausage (since).

Shirley Jones

Thanks for the eight years, Charlottesville. It was everything we hoped for and more.

David Wyatt

This building was added on to several times. It is about eight to 10 times bigger now than it was when they built it.

Dawn Fernald

We're down to our final eight games. Three of them are against Alvarez. They are all big. But this one sets the bar.

Tu'u Seva'aetasi

We believe we can hang with anyone in Class A. Our eight seniors never stop coming.

Ryan Hennessy

We had seen eight people and now the ones who have been removed are four, so now they are 12 dead.

Jaspher Ombati

The two trucks will eventually cover eight of 12 city garbage routes or 75 percent of the city.

Bill Shelton

They travel six to eight months a year.

Elaine Morgan

Not bad for a total $22 million investment eight years ago.

Edward Wolfe

I have believed him each time before, and I really believe him this time. I think he's done, by the fact that they were only able to squeeze eight more out of him.

Edie Falco

We showed character and we showed fight. We got down, and we still continued to fight and lost by eight.

Earl Calloway