10 quotes about eclectic follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We are drawing a more eclectic crowd now.

Robert Reed

Eclectic would be an understatement.

Les Garland

There is an eclectic mix in our community and they are all at the market.

Liz Nichols

And They All Sang: Adventures of an Eclectic Disc Jockey.

Studs Terkel

The idea itself is a lot of fun. We have energetic, fun, eclectic bands.

John Ugolini

It's so eclectic. We each bring our own style.

Adam Bretz

Bruce Goff was an eclectic mid-century architect who did kind of oddball things.

Michael Kaplan

He's very eclectic, with a wide range of influences.

Bob Villa

Marge's baseball collection is broad and eclectic.

Wes Cowan

We still want to keep our eclectic nature.

Mark Schieber