10 quotes about donor follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We can't get donations from a private donor or corporations because they can't write it off.

Joseph Santos

We're paying for that through our own donor base, through volunteers and grants.

Jerry Ryan

The more closely you can match the donor, the more successful the blood transfusion is.

Dave Jones

Jacques really needs heart...a heart donor.

Robert Morrow

But all the cutbacks couldn't attract enough of an audience or build that donor base so that they could continue to meet all of their financial responsibilities.

Fran Drew

We got this letter on behalf of the Alabama Organ Center that said that josh was a multiple organ donor.

Karen Braswell

The biggest donor gets to name the park.

Patty Murray

Sometimes if you make it easier for the donor, they're more likely to donate to give.

Heather Parsons

If I had a donor call tomorrow, it would be a challenge, They'll be welcome to donate as much as they can.

Steve Thompson

They have each other. They don't have the donor, the father; they have each other.

Robin Anderson