20 quotes about denver follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It was 80 today. We've already seen 90 this year. But even 50 at Big Bend is better than 20 in Denver.

Mark Spier

Denver would be one of our key cities, for sure, ... especially with this facility.

Jim Jennings

I wasn't doing it to take a stand. But, I really ... That's old news. The new news is what can we do with Denver.

Joey Porter

If you look around Denver, you see many of the buildings Al Cohen erected.

Larry Silverstein

For anybody who would underestimate SAFER, I would say a lot of people underestimated them in Denver.

Bruce Mirken

Than any other man who ever ran for office in Denver.

Ben Lindsey

Kent Denver, thank you for having those paddles.

Joanne Young

For the Denver traveler, it's wonderful. Competition is wonderful.

Phil Roberts

We are going to shut down Denver.

Paul Lopez

We had more customers for the Indianapolis game than we did for the Cincinnati game, and I'm sure we're going to have more for the Denver game than we had for the Indianapolis game.

Steve Bigam

No, ... He said, `let's get ready for Denver.' .

Tim Dwight

They were working with similar ideas and similar notions about Denver and what architecture in Denver could be.

Dan Kohl

We've got Denver coming up, ... I'm preparing like I'm a starter. That's what you have to do whether you're a starter or a backup.

Sage Rosenfels

And this is true across the country. This is not a Denver phenomenon. Denver got its proportional share.

Brad Neiman

People come to Summit County to get out of the heat of Denver.

Cindy Abramowitz

There are already three or four of these companies in the Denver area, but we're really the first of our kind around here.

Tim Welsh

What they did in Denver was no small task.

Jeff Schemmel

Bob was and always will be my everything. I love you, Bob Denver.

Dreama Denver

Our idea of a date was him coming to Denver for me to type his papers.

Kathy Thomas

We try to spread the competition to where there's a market. Denver is definitely one of them.

Emily Wood