8 quotes about convey follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Government should convey to US that it knows what to do or what not to do. (Interfering in it) is not at all the business of US.

Gurudas Dasgupta

How or by what magic is it, that we convey our thoughts to one another with such case and accuracy?

Henry Martyn

The administration relies on Senate to convey the students' wishes.

Robert Thomas

The goal is to convey the message to all in the county as often and in any way.

Harold Willard

Maybe I should actually say some of that, rather than try to convey it all in an inflection.

Martine Brown

No. 1 is the clothes have to be comfortable. No. 2 is what we represent and how we convey that. The outfits make a statement about us and the Games.

Apolo Anton Ohno

Advertising doesn't create a product advantage. It can only convey it.

William Bernbach

I don't think anyone can convey or express my message more succinctly than I can.

Russ Thomas