13 quotes about conflicts follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

There's a potential for benefits and conflicts.

Jacqueline Grebmeier

Human/wildlife conflicts are becoming more acute in Africa.

Graeme Patterson

I don't think the conflicts completely disappear but the transaction certainly helps alleviate some of that.

Sonya Morris

There are serious conflicts in the lower courts.

Kathy Rodgers

The greatest conflicts are not between two people but between one person and himself.

Garth Brooks

It conflicts directly with the mission of the church to assist people who come to us and are in need.

Kevin Appleby

Women and men can experience conflicts differently.

Angela King

We have a lot of multi-user conflicts.

Bryan Golie

People are already expressing concern about conflicts of interest and how we're going about this.

Chris Mohr

They are not ... being punished by the [presidential] administration - they are people who provoke those conflicts.

Lidiya Yermoshina

We are working with the census to resolve these conflicts.

Jennifer Albers

In poor areas, there are a lot of conflicts between the government and the farmers.

Li Fan

This period is both a golden one for development, but also one of pronounced conflicts.

Ouyang Song