19 quotes about cleanup follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

This group is planning to do all the garbage cleanup.

Linda Norris

This year we're celebrating 21 years of Keeping America Beautiful through the Great American Cleanup.

Gail Cunningham

We do cleanups nationwide. So, we're not rubes at this cleanup business.

Col. Michael Rossi

We're just waiting to hear from the cleanup people.

Dan Radakovich

A lot of it is related to cleanup efforts as debris is removed.

Paul Chambers

Yeah, but here, it's all chopped up and measured for me. I come in, make a few dishes and I'm done. And there's no cleanup.

Amy Keller

It allows us to get that cleanup done at no cost to the taxpayers.

Bill Bray

It's a water cleanup effort. It's not a hazardous cleanup.

Harry Orf

When the uranium mining boom crashed in the '80s, it really crashed and there wasn't much cleanup.

Diane Stearns

Look it up. I don't think I've ever hit cleanup.

Rich Aurilia

Mostly what it is, it's cleanup.

Mike Foster

It's set up as an incentive for people to really get cracking on cleanup.

Leslie Pearson

This is the cleanup. It doesn't close until every last $20 claim is resolved.

James Sprayregen

There wasn't enough pollution for a wholesale cleanup.

Brian Swanson

FEMA does want to help pay for the cleanup.

Dale Johnson

It's a good idea to do cleanup where cleanup is possible.

Greg Mello

The cleanup effort gets us ready for the holidays.

Frank Richards

We're concerned an unfair standard is being applied as to cleanup.

Catherine Bowie

The best protection for public health is prevention, not cleanup.

John Mcnabb