11 quotes about circulation follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I think the public is more aware of all the issues involved with circulation.

Jack Lynch

They told me I didn't have any circulation in my leg, but they didn't know what to do about it.

Kathy Verdugo

If cloud formation is really due to air circulation, this is what it will do.

Pascal Rannou

There will be complete circulation around the outfield and the fountains.

Mark Gorris

The density contrast between these waters will cause the circulation.

Martin Siegert

If it is built, it is something that will have a profound affect on traffic circulation in the Winchester corridor.

Jeff Stone

Put them in a room with good circulation and no direct sunlight.

Robbie Cranch

He had a compression fracture, and so it basically kills the end of the femur, ... So what you have to do is try to get the blood circulation back to that area.

Neil Roberts

It can spread through local spread, through blood circulation, and through the lymphatic system.

Rhea Rosa

We have filed an application in the pending petition relating to the circulation of the CD.

Pradeep Kumar

They are really a big boost to our circulation.

Kathryn Blehart