8 quotes about casualties follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

95% of passengers have been evacuated. According to preliminary information there are no casualties.

Viktor Beltsov

We've had reports of some casualties at Cairns hospital, some 20 or so. There's also some reports of a few people missing as well.

Jonty Hall

There are bound to be casualties because of bad weather. How much? I don't know.

Ahmed Khan

There have been no reports from the field to indicate that any have been casualties.

Angelo Reyes

Generally what we do is treat battlefield casualties as they can make it from the battlefield to us.

David Colley

We were prepared for mass casualties and had 60,000 bottles of water brought in overnight.

Andy Bush

I believe that ultimately the evacuation and the protests will end without casualties.

Genmoshe Karadi

The Bali bomb was designed to cause maximum fatalities and casualties.

Rohan Gunaratna