11 quotes about bumped follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

He may have bumped his head on the way out. It's tough to say. I wish I knew.

Jeff Kish

That's one subject we can't deal with. We bumped heads quite a bit.

Brian Sparks

We've bumped up operating shock tolerance from 250Gs to 350Gs, and non- operating shock is 900Gs.

Joni Clark

If you're going to get bumped, it might as well be for the prime minister.

Jim Mitchell

I wish those teams could have been bumped up a little higher.

Bob Schnure

One of the beams, we bumped into it and it just fell down.

Bill Prosko

He bumped me with malice in his heart and he was gone.

Mike Carey

I slipped [the van] in reverse and bumped the bicycle.

Bob Tate

Texas was already in the mix. (Winning the national championship) bumped them up that much more.

John Brantley

She is bumped and bruised. She will be very sore for a while, but she will be fine. She is very lucky.

Frank Reed

He was selling war bonds, but he still got bumped.

Eleanor Vosberg