"William Strauss" was an American author, historian, playwright, theater director, and lecturer. As a historian, he is known for his work with Neil Howe on projects Strauss and Howe on social generations and for Strauss-Howe generational theory of generational cycles in American history. He is also well known as the co-founder and director of the satirical musical theater group the Capitol Steps, and as the co-founder of the Cappies, a critics and awards program for high school theater students.

More William Strauss on Wikipedia.

We believe that the endowments should be used for the benefits of current and future generations of students. There was a year in which Harvard spent one-eighth of its endowment earnings on its fund managers.

The (old type) jobs are hard to get. What do you do if they fail to get a proper education?

My number one concern is how are we going to take care of people who can't get these jobs.

They're so logo-washed, so heavily branded when they are young.

You have these periods when there's a major civic crisis that redefines civic life.

Here the issue will be: What is our response to the sparks?