"William Stanton" may refer to:

*William Stanton (mason) (1639–1705), English mason and sculptor

*William Henry Stanton (MP) (1790–1870), British Member of Parliament for Stroud

*William Henry Stanton (congressman) (1843–1900), former United States Congressman from Pennsylvania

*William Stanton (died 1910), entomologist at Manila Observatory

*William Graham Stanton (1917–1999), British radio playwright

*Will Stanton (actor) (1885–1969), American actor

*Will Stanton (author) (1918-1996), author of humorous fiction and articles

*J. William Stanton (1924–2002), former United States Congressman from Ohio

*William Stanton (diplomat), United States diplomat

*Will Stanton, fictional character from The Dark is Rising series

*William Stanton, fictional character from By Force of Arms

More William Stanton on Wikipedia.

They don't care who they stepped on and who they stepped over. They destroyed lives for their own self-advancement. That's the reason they started this case.

I spend my time in the administrative offices, which are in a completely separate location from the actual shelter. In truth, my contact with the residents is limited.